Terms of use

The contractual relationship between Chambers of Commerce and members on CONNECTS.

TIAO has licensed the use of CONNECTS to the Chambers of Commerce in order for them to be able to provide their Members access to CONNECTS Business Matchmaking Platform.

Any dispute or claim arising in connection with these Terms of Use shall be governed in accordance with the local law of the Chamber who hosts the Member on CONNECTS.

Download CONNECTS terms of use

Data Privacy Policy

Contains full information about how Member Personal Data is collected and processed by their Chambers and/or TIAO SA.

The Chamber which provides its Members with the license to use CONNECTS is considered the Member’s Data Controller and TIAO is considered the Data Processor.

To comply with GDPR legislation each participating Chamber of Commerce has a Data Processing Agreement (DPA) with TIAO SA.

Download CONNECTS privacy policy


How can we prevent ‘abuse of power’ by CONNECTS / TIAO when we as chambers have worked together with TIAO to scale up the CONNECTS platform? Who will prevent TIAO from getting rid of chambers when they no longer need them?

Trust, local knowledge, and support are the key differentiating features of the CONNECTS platform versus any other B2B matchmaking platform. These features are provided by chambers, now and in the future. It would be commercial suicide for TIAO/CONNECTS to remove the very element that has allowed the platform to succeed where other platforms fail.

TIAO has a policy on governance that is designed to give participating chambers influence in CONNECTS strategy, policies, and operation.

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