Below are some of our most asked questions.
We got you covered and here are our answers.

Yes, you can and it’s very easy. Every team member of your company can only have 1 account. Join the platform for free and invite all your colleagues.

Only platform users can invite other companies. At the menu path: Click on Companies > Invite a company.

Here you can select the country and type the name, email address and a customised invitation message. Once you have invited an external company your invitation will be forwarded to your moderator. After the moderator has conducted a due diligence check and approved your invitation, it will be sent to the external company. If for any reason a moderator rejects your invitation, you will receive a notification and you may contact your moderator for further information.

Moderators are employed by Chambers of Commerce and they are your first point of contact on the platform. A moderator can introduce you to other chambers and companies. They can also provide you guidance on how to find new leads and use the platform.

If you’re already a platform user, you can find all Chamber moderators on CONNECTS.

Plans & Pricing for users to grow your business and networks: a tailored approach

Equip your organisation with the Process and Skills and Digital Infrastructure to develop your own Ecosystem competence

    • Strategic Doing Practitioner Training Courses and Masterclasses
    • Using the CONNECTS platform as your digital ecosystem infrastructure, integrated with your own website as a portal

Provide guidance and operational support to your organisation with the development and implementation of your Ecosystem Approach

    • Strategic Doing Fellows as guides and consultants
    • CONNECTS Operational Support Team

If you are interested to join, let’s start a conversation. Contact us communications@connects.world

A network is an organisation that wants to engage with its stakeholders

You can sign-up and enjoy a 30 days free trial, or request an invitation from one of our networks.

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